Sunday, October 19, 2008

New Fall Pictures of Our Peanut

Sorry to be slow posting these - Alex and I were lucky enough to join our friends Deanna, Lukas, and Emma and their family on an apple picking trip in Southern Quebec two weekends ago.  Alex loved the tractor/hay ride and dogs at the orchard - not to mention the chance to mosey around the orchard, chanting "Apple!  Apple!".  Last weekend, those apples (along with many others) became 42 quarts of applesauce (with help from Grandma and Grampa).  Yum!

Our (generally) happy boy (after making a mess in the hall).

Another average day at home: cleaning out the recycling bins and causing general mayhem!

Alex and Grampa playing with blocks.  We're now patching Alex's right eye for an hour a day.  the busier we can keep him during this hour, the happier everyone is, though he is generally pretty good about leaving the patch on.

We just took this picture today (Sunday) as Alex wanted to model his cool new Halloween shirt (thanks Aunt Judy!).  He has a bit of a cold right now but was fairly cheery while playing this morning.


jcurran said...

Gosh, B, he looks like his daddy! I'll call tonight after Bible study as long as we end before 9pm!

Michael said...

Hooray tractors and dogs and apples! Thanks for posting the update, it's amazing to see the little dude grow.

Since we are getting on towards the season (and he's showing off his fancy new jack o'lantern shirt):

Why didn't the pirate go trick-or-treating?

Because it was too faarrgh to walk to get candy baarghs!

*shakes head in shame*
That's all I can come up with for now.