Monday, March 2, 2009

It's time!

Wow, it has been a long time since we updated here!  Time seems to fly by even as sometimes the days can seem so long.

Alex had his most recent check up with his ophthamologist on Friday (2/27).  For about a week and a half in advance of this appointment, we had been noticing a change in Alex's behavior when he is patched.  When his right (stronger) eye is patched, he is much less active and tends to be much closer to things to see them.  When we discussed this with his doctor, she decided (as we expected) that it is time for Alex's first surgery to remove the left cataract.  All we know at this point is that surgery is scheduled for Thursday, March 12th at Children's Hospital Boston (although we do not yet know which campus).

We'll do our best to keep updating here as we learn more.  We are continuously thankful for everyone's prayers and positive thoughts through this process.

Alex continues to be extremely active and inquisitive.  He has entered the "terrible twos" already with tantrums when he is unhappy with his parents' decrees.  Most of the time however, Alex is loving and sweet.  He loves reading and doing his puzzles - and he continues to learn new words everyday.  The latest additions to his vocabulary include "shower", "Elmo", "zero", and "Read please!"


Megan said...

Let me know if you want me to come down to Boston. Much love to all four of you!

Anonymous said...

We'll be thinking of you on the 12th! Will you guys need to be admitted for an overnight stay? Or longer? Let us know if you need anything!

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking of you, and I'm keeping you all in my thoughts!
Good luck!